Thanks to Andrew Greenaway, I now have two tracks out there in music land on Cordelia Records Zappa related compilations, which he curated.

When I was only six months into my five year plan of skills building, after deciding in April 2018, following a lifetime of spasmodic study of music, to finally become a full time composer/performer/producer of my own music, Andrew contacted me and asked if I wanted to produce a track for one of his compilations.

Well, totally unexpected, and I was terrified, and thinking it might be too soon, given my plans, but I took the plunge and surprised myself, and the rest, as they say, is history, sniff. That was for a track on Lost Meat. Andrew has since asked me to contribute a track to Would You Like A Snack.

The following two pages discuss the making of my two contributions and include links to Andrew's pages about the albums they're on and to the tracks themselves on Spotify.

>>About Mr Nice Girl's Daughter

>>About Magic Attack

Note that these were working titles for my DAW projects while creating these tracks. The original names, No More Mr Nice Girl and Magic Fingers are used on the albums.

If you just can't wait and have to go straight to Spotify and listen to them, the following takes you to my artist page on Spotify.

>>Turbulator On Spotify


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